
Right click below and select “save as” to download a PDF of REBOOT devos!
Ring Out Amplified 2016 Devos

What’s REBOOT?
REBOOT is week (Sat, Feb 20-Sat, Feb 27) where we unplug from media! That’s Skype, TV shows, movies, computer and video games, and aimless internet surfing (obviously you’ll still need the internet for school and stuff). In taking a break from all of this, we hope to REBOOT our relationship with God–clearing out distractions and helping us grow closer with the Lord.

How do I do it?
The youth pastors of Shanghai have written a devotional taken from the book of 1st Thessalonians, with worksheets to do each day. Pick yours up at SOAR on Saturday! (I’ll also try to get it up online and send out a link on Thursday.) During the time you’d normally put into media, do something intentional to make your relationship with God and others better–take a walk and talk to God; write a handwritten letter to a friend you haven’t seen in a while; read your Bible; call up a friend and ask if there’s anything you can pray for them for; think of a question about God that has been on your mind and find a book to read about it; pop in your headphones and have a time of worship.
These are just a few of the many things you can spend your new found time doing!

Why in the world would I torture myself like that?
Reboot is a practical application of the spiritual discipline of fasting–not taking something that’s ok to take, because you want to take time to focus on God. I challenge you to try it! You’ll be amazed at how much time you’ll have in your schedule, and I believe that God will speak to you as you seek Him!

But… but… I’m not sure I can survive that long!
Yes, you can. (hahaha)
REBOOT is a great activity for helping you reevaluate your media choices, taking time to think about how you use your time, and clearing out the noise of the world so you can listen more closely to Jesus.

I hope you’ll join me and SOAR in REBOOTing this week!

Celebrate the end of REBOOT by coming out for Amplified on Friday, February 26th at 7pm!

If you’d like to download last year’s devotional, you can by clicking below:
Reboot Booklet Download